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19 May 2022
6 PM

Conference venue: Istituto Psicoanalitico per le Ricerche Sociali (IPRS), Passeggiata di Ripetta 11, Rome

JUNE 2022 event-title.jpg

Anastasis: Another Beginning of Philosophy

The end of philosophy is a realization that opens a passage to something else or nothing

In recent decades, no philosopher has determined the future directions of philosophy as much as Heidegger, to such an extent that it can be said that philosophy has been held hostage within the Heideggerian corpus . This has come to have a mystical and spiritual strength. While Heidegger unfolded the history of philosophy and its end, he also conceived the possibility of "another beginning" for it. Is another beginning for philosophy possible that is free from the inaugural conditions of a history of Heideggerian philosophy?

To open philosophy towards another beginning, while keeping alive the intuitions of what, from Derrida onwards, we call "deconstruction", the journal Philosophy World Democracy published three texts respectively by Jean-Luc Nancy, Divya Dwivedi and Shaj Mohan.

The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking” – JEAN-LUC NANCY
Français / English

And the Beginning of Philosophy – SHAJ MOHAN
English / Français


Nancy’s Wager – DIVYA DWIVEDI 


Jean-Luc Nancy's challenge, with provocative tones, is that either we give up at the end of philosophy - to avoid that philosophical chatter that has nothing to do with philosophy from spreading everywhere, and without meaning - or we open up to an egg beginning. This is where what Heidegger himself received as the history of philosophy becomes important. 

Divya Dwivedi questions the very concept that conditions this history – the ontic-ontological difference – behind which the Eastern-Western difference still awaits its deconstruction. This history of philosophy leaves out the questions, texts, concepts and inventions that unfolded beyond what could be recognized as philosophy. 

Shaj Mohan rediscovers that forgotten question - "what calls philosophy?" – and highlights that "obscure experience" which generated the principles of metaphysics, in particular the law of identity. The question "what is philosophy?" was initially determined for theological purposes, so that all other identities derived from the absolute identity of God. Theology has taken possession of the "end of all things"; and then philosophy yielded to the sciences the concepts and concerns that fed it. We then receive an impoverished philosophy, the same one that came under Heidegger's consideration. We can open another beginning on condition that we do not attempt to philosophize according to the "logic" of Heidegger's system and follow his list of "tasks". A new beginning opens by taking up the questions that philosophy has yielded to religions and sciences, to the point that it may be necessary to rethink our relationship with logic itself.

For more, visit the section “The Other Beginning of Philosophy

For the Italian announcement of the event, visit The European Journal of Psychoanalysis 

A Zoom link will be provided over email soon after registration.




Sergio Benvenuto is a psychoanalyst and philosopher, and researcher at the National Council for Scientific Research (CNR) in Rome, Italy.  From 1995 to 2020 he was the editor of the European Journal of Psychoanalysis, and he is member of the Editorial Board of American Imago. He has a contributed to journals such as Telos, Lettre Internationale, Journal for Lacanian Studies, L’évolution psychiatrique, American Imago, Division/Review, Psychoanalytic Discourse. Benvenuto’s research has been on Freud and Lacan, Wittgenstein and ethics, Plato’s philosophy of Eros, Theory of Fashion, Theory of populism, and Monotheisms (with J.-L. Nancy). His publications, in various languages, include: Perversion: Psychoanalytic Perspectives / Perspectives on Psychoanalysis (London: Karnac, 2006, pp. 59-78); with A. Molino, In Freud’s Tracks (New York: Aronson, 2008); What Are Perversions? (London: Karnac, 2016); Conversations with Lacan (London: Routledge, 2020).






Raffaele Bracalenti is a founding member of IPRS where he was vice president of the foundation until 2002 when he became president. His areas of interest have mainly been: minors (minors and deviance from the law, bullying, school dropout, foreign minors), restorative justice, immigration, discrimination, racism. He has held the position of Scientific Director and Coordinator in numerous National and European projects linked to childhood and adolescence, in the Daphne programs, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion; DG Home Affairs; DG Justice; DG Research (under the 7th framework program and currently under Horizon). He has also held the position of Director and Coordinator for issues such as; childhood, adolescence, migration and integration for the Presidency of the Council, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of the Interior. During the academic year 2011-2012 he was a lecturer at the Catholic University of Milan. His lectures were part of the Psychology and Intercultural Development course run by the Department of Psychology and the Political and social Science Faculty (Bachelor degree). He has also been a lecturer and a member of the board for the academic year 2015-2016 on the second level remote learning Masters degree in Design and Development of Orientation and Placement Services in conjunction with the Department of Education Sciences of the University of Rome.





Shaj Mohan is a philosopher based in the subcontinent. His research publications are in the areas of metaphysics, philosophy of technology, reason, politics and truthness. Mohan is the co-author with Divya Dwivedi of Gandhi and Philosophy: On Theological Anti-Politics (Bloomsbury, 2019).




Divya Dwivedi is a philosopher based in the subcontinent. She is an associate professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi where she teaches Philosophy and Literature. Her works have been concerned with the ontology of the literary, the formality of law, the literary, postcolonial racisms, political concepts, and speed. Dwivedi is the co-author with Shaj Mohan of Gandhi and Philosophy: On Theological Anti-Politics (Foreword by Jean-Luc Nancy; Bloomsbury, 2019). She is also the co-editor of The Virality of Evil (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022),  Narratology and Ideology (Ohio State University Press, 2018) and Public Sphere from outside the West (Bloomsbury Academic, 2015). Dwivedi has recently edited “L’Inde: Colossale et Capitale,” a special issue of Revue Critique (2020) and a special issue of Revue des femmes philosophes (“Intellectuels, Philosophes, Femmes en Inde: des espèces en danger”, 2017).




Benedetta Todaro is completing her doctoral dissertation in Philosophy at the Université Paris-Est Créteil and, she teaches and researches at the Department of Psychology at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne. Todaro pursued her clinical training at Università degli Studi di Padova resulting in the dissertation titled Melancholia(s): From Phenomenology to Michel Foucault. Her current research projects revolve around the question of the emergence of anorexic and bulimic bodies in 20th century Western society.




Maël Montévil works at Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation and in Institut de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, with a grant of the Cogito Foundation. He is a theoretical biologist working at the crossroad of experimental biology, mathematics, and philosophy He developed the framework of constraints closure and theorized biological historicity and its implications for theory and modelization with which to study current issues such as endocrine disruptors and, more generally, anthropocene's disruptions and our response to them. Montévil is the author of more than twenty-five peer-reviewed articles and a monograph with Giuseppe Longo Perspectives on organisms.

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