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Yotetsu Tonaki is associate professor of philosophy at Rikkyo University, Tokyo. His research interests are in contemporary philosophy (especially Emmanuel Levinas, Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, Günther Anders, Jacques Derrida, and Jean-Luc Nancy). Since the 2011 Fukushima accident, he has also been working on the topic of catastrophes. Tonaki is the co-author of 終わりなきデリダ:ハイデガー、サルトル、レヴィナスとの対話 [Derrida Never-Ending: Dialogues with Heidegger, Sartre, Levinas] (Hosei University Press, 2016); カタストロフからの哲学:ジャン=ピエール・デュピュイをめぐって [Philosophy after Catastrophe] (Ibunsha, 2015), Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendt face à l’histoire (Vrin, 2013). He had translated the works of Emmanuel Levinas, Oeuvres, 3 vols [Hosei University Press, 2014-2018] and Jean-Luc Nancy, After Fukushima: Catastrophe, Technique, Democracy as フクシマの後で 破局・技術・民主主義 (Ibunsha, 2012).

« La Catastrophe de Fukushima » existe-t-elle ? Vers une autre conceptualisation de la catastrophe.

26 March 2021

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